Wednesday, December 22, 2010

When Self-Help Isn't Any Help

Visit any bookstore and you'll find a plethora of self-help books by many well known authors. They've made millions telling people what to think and do in order to change their life. But does self-help really work or does it make peoples' lives worse than what they were? T. Harv Eker wrote the #1 Best Selling book The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. If you listen to him or attend one of his conferences, you'll hear him or another speaker say, "get paid for your results not your time." This can be applied to the personal development industry as well. After all, if you pay $5,000 for a seminar or $25.99 for a hardcover self-help book and follow the steps provided, you should see immediate results. Maybe you will or maybe you won't.


goal setting happiness positive attitude inspirational success

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